An Open Approach to Investing

Portfolios Built With Insight and Common Sense


As The Open Family Office, we are structured to objectively build portfolios that meet our clients’ needs and that don’t look like the cookie-cutter portfolios you’ll find elsewhere.

We are “open architecture”, which means that we try to find the most compelling investments from outside investment managers. We have no proprietary mutual funds that we are trying to sell, and we have no incentives such as commissions to select certain investment products. That means you never need to worry about our motivations in choosing investment strategies. We work with you to build portfolios that work for you, using what we think is a common-sense approach. Finally, we serve only wealthy families, so we eagerly seek out private investments and other exclusive investment opportunities.


What We Do

Cost-Sensitive Portfolio Customization
Custom Asset Allocation
Passive-and Active- Strategy Selection
Private Investments
Tax Efficiency
ESG/SRI Investing
Consolidated Reporting

Note that each client relationship is different; not all services are part of every relationship.

Our Common-Sense Philosophy

Minimize Taxes and Costs

As fiduciaries, we are always looking for tax and cost efficiencies for clients. Our open-architecture approach allows us to stay unbiased toward the types of strategies and securities we invest in on behalf of our clients. We generally favor low-cost passive or index strategies unless there are active managers who we are confident can outperform.

Find Niche Strategies

We think that the usual “bucket filling” approach to asset allocation leads many advisors to overlook compelling niche strategies that don’t fit into those buckets. At WMS, we seek out select investment opportunities that address client needs, such as cash-flowing private investments. Due to WMS’s substantial asset base, we are able to gain our clients access to private investments that are not available elsewhere.

Emphasize Function Over Form

We believe that the “style box” approach to investing is insufficient, so we pay less attention to an investment strategy’s form, security type or vehicle. Instead, we classify investments according to the function they play in an overall portfolio, in terms of their exposure and their contribution to risk: Wealth Preservation, Flexible Strategies, and Capital Appreciation. (See below.) We then create a portfolio that allocates a client’s risk budget across that framework.

Align with Global Trends

At any point in time, there are long-term, durable investment trends that clients should take advantage of—the “fat pitch” opportunities. We take a thematic approach to asset allocation so that we tilt portfolios toward the trends in which we have the highest conviction.


Our Asset Allocation Framework

We build customized portfolios for clients using an open-architecture approach of best-in-class investments—public and private, active and passive, traditional and alternative.


The Flywheel Effect of Private Investments

Our clients often bring to us compelling private-investment opportunities. As our client base and our network grow, this creates a flywheel effect of more ideas for private investments and greater access to those ideas for our clients.